Clear choice for Rosevears


The Legislative Council election for Rosevears will offer the community a clear choice between a team and candidate with a plan to rebuild the Tasmanian economy – or any other candidate with no team, no plan, and no results.

“With the date now set for the Legislate Council elections, the people of Rosevears have a clear choice to make on August 1 2020,” Premier Peter Gutwein said.

“Jo Palmer is an outstanding candidate with a strong record of delivering for her community, and she will be a strong advocate for the people of Rosevears in our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There is no doubt that coronavirus has been the single biggest health, economic and societal shock to hit Tasmania in our lifetime, and Jo Palmer is the only candidate who is part of a team with a plan to rebuild a stronger Tasmania.

“My message to the people of Rosevears is very clear- at this critical time, Jo is the only candidate who can get results for you, so please vote for Jo Palmer on 1st August."

Liberal candidate for Rosevears Jo Palmer said the revised date was good news and would allow the community to focus on who can best represent them.

“I am thrilled the people of Rosevears will now have the opportunity to decide who is best placed to represent them.

“I feel privileged to be standing for election at such a critical time in Tasmania’s history, as we continue to recover and rebuild following the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The pandemic has had a devastating impact on so many people and businesses throughout the Rosevears community, and should I be elected, the community can rest assured I will do everything possible to help them back on their feet.”