Our Team

The Liberals are a strong, stable, united team. Find out more about members of the State and Federal Liberal teams.

Guy Barnett

Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Member for Lyons

Felix Ellis

Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, Minister for Housing and Planning, Minister for Skills and Training, Member for Braddon

Leonie Hiscutt

Leader for the Government in the Legislative Council, Member for Montgomery

Jane Howlett

Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Minister for Racing, Member for Lyons

Roger Jaensch

Minister for Children and Youth, Minister for Community Services, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Member for Braddon

Madeleine Ogilvie

Minister for Small Business and Consumer Affairs, Minister for Corrections and Rehabilitation, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence, Member for Clark

Jo Palmer

Minister for Education, Minister for Disability Services, Deputy Leader for the Government in the Legislative Council, Member for Rosevears

Jacquie Petrusma

Deputy Speaker, Chair of Committees, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Member for Franklin

Nic Street

Minister for Finance, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Sport and Events, Member for Franklin

Simon Wood

Parliamentary Secretary for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Government Whip, Member for Bass