I am pleased to confirm her Majesty the Queen has provided approval to extend the term of office of Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC, as Governor of Tasmania, until 9 June 2021.
Under normal circumstances without a pandemic to deal with, I would now be working through the process to select and appoint a new Governor. However, given the circumstances the State is facing in responding to COVID‑19, Her Majesty the Queen has approved my request to extend the term of office of Her Excellency for a further period of six months.
The additional six month extension will provide stability to this important role and enable me to undertake the detailed and important work of making a recommendation to the Queen on the next Governor of Tasmania.
This extension will mean Her Excellency will have represented the Queen in Tasmania for more than six years.
It is a true testament to Her Excellency‘s commitment and service to our State, that both Her Excellency and Mr Warner are held in the highest regard by the people of Tasmania.
On behalf of the Government and Tasmanian community, I extend my warmest thanks to Her Excellency and Mr Warner for remaining in this important role through this challenging period.