Tasmanians have done an outstanding job in controlling the spread of coronavirus and we are well prepared to rapidly respond to any future outbreaks that may occur.
However we know we are not only facing a health crisis but an economic one.
We have taken an incredible hit to our economy broadly, to State revenue, and many Tasmanians are facing hardships they have never faced before.
In addition, we have provided unprecedented Government financial support to businesses and the Tasmanian community to lessen the economic impact of COVID-19 and, as a result, will need to take responsible decisions in coming budget cycles to rebuild a stronger Tasmania.
This is why it is appropriate to postpone a wage increase for senior Public Servants, which would normally be considered at this time of the year, until the Budget period later this year in November.
This is in no way a reflection of the work and efforts our Public Servants, and on behalf of all members of Government I express sincere thanks to all of our state employees. They have shown the most outstanding strength and agility in these trying times, leading the State Service to our strong public health position and supporting the Tasmanian community through our response and recovery phases.