O’Byrne’s congestion busting hypocrisy


David O’Byrne has spent the past three years whinging and whining about progress on delivering the Southern Outlet congestion-busting fifth lane, which has been developed in line with the Hobart City Deal partners, on time.

To now be complaining about the consultation process for the next stage of the project is the height of hypocrisy.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is committed to the $35 million congestion busting plan, and the first stage consultation is underway on concept designs with those landowners who may be affected – as is the appropriate first step in consultation.

The fifth lane on the Southern Outlet is part of the City Deal improvements that will significantly improve bus services to and from locations like Kingborough, the Channel and the Huon Valley, through to Hobart.

What is David O'Byrne's alternative? And has he spoken to his fellow Labor candidate, the Mayor of Kingborough who is a signatory to the deal and this project?

While David O’Byrne and Labor change their mind from one day to the next, a majority Gutwein Liberal Government is committed to congestion busting projects, making it easier for people to commute, to secure Tasmania’s future.