Immediate action to improve the Tamar River


The Tamar River Estuary and its tributaries, the North and South Esk Rivers are the lifeblood of the Tamar Valley, which is why a re-elected majority Gutwein Liberal Government will inject $4 million over the next two years for a dredging program to be established.

The Tamar River is the heart of the North, and that’s why we will do all we can to ensure access is maintained for rowing clubs, the Tamar Yacht Club, navigable channels and recreational locations.

During the first 100 days of Government we will consult with all members of the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce (TEMPT), to determine the most appropriate governance model, including a whole of catchment statutory authority responsible for all aspects of strategic management of the waterway relating to:
• Maintaining the health of the catchment;
• Ensuring river access for commercial and recreational users;
• Identifying and prioritising critical actions from existing plans and programs, and ensuring they are implemented;
• Ensuring river improvement priorities are actioned and delivered;
• Securing funding to implement further priority actions; and
• Enlisting the skills, knowledge and experience of individuals and organisations who will contribute positively to improving the river and its tributaries.

If required, legislation will be introduced to establish the most appropriate governance structure for the ongoing management of the catchment.

A re-elected Gutwein majority Liberal Government will also commit up to $1 million annually to support the establishment and ongoing operations of the preferred model determined after consultation with TEMT to ensure it has the necessary statutory powers to support its operation.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is committed to improving both the amenity and health of the waterways, from the mountains through its tributaries, to the yacht basin and through to the sea.

We are clearly mindful of the natural values of the river and estuaries, and the balance required to maintain its function as a working river that has significant value as a commercial and recreational waterway.

Today’s announcement continues to build on the investment we have made and secured through the historic Launceston City Deal. Our record demonstrates that we have taken on the commitment to tackle the challenges of managing this critical waterway.

Only a majority Gutwein Liberal Government has a clear plan to invest in the Tamar River and secure Tasmania’s future.

More information on our Policy can be found at: