Labor’s fiscal strategy blown by its unaffordable spending promises
Labor’s unaffordable spending proves they can’t manage money, and this means you can’t trust their promises.
Already this campaign, Labor has promised spending of over $2 billion (more than twice as much as us).
Labor’s magic pudding budget can only be realised if they radically raise taxes, make cuts or sack staff – just like they did last time they were in office with the Greens.
And when they were last in office, they changed their fiscal strategy seven times as a result of their excessive spending.
How can Tasmanians believe that the Labor Party can manage the State’s finances, when they have failed to produce an alternative budget for the past seven years?
Tasmanians have a clear choice on 1 May - Peter Gutwein in the Premier’s chair and a majority Liberal Government with a strong track record of disciplined budget management and results, or a minority Labor-Green rabble with a history of failed economic management.