White back-tracks on resignation pledge in Examiner Debate


Last week at the First Debate Ms White said she would resign if Labor didn’t win majority Government.

Tonight, Ms White back-tracked on that pledge. It is clear that she sees there is a chance of a minority Government and is now setting herself up to be Premier in a Labor-Green minority Government.

If Ms White is prepared to change her position on something as significant as this from one week to the next, how can she possibly be believed when she claims she won’t do a deal with the Greens?

In contrast, the Premier has been clear – if the Liberals don’t win majority, he will step down as Leader because he is strongly of the view that Tasmania needs majority government to make the decisions our state needs.

This means, the only way to keep Peter Gutwein in the Premier’s Chair, is to vote Liberal.

Also at tonight’s debate, the Premier demolished Labor’s land tax policy, exposing a gaping hole in the policy’s costings which Ms White was unable to explain.

I once again challenge Labor to submit their land tax policy for costing by Treasury. What are they afraid of?