A re-elected majority Liberal Government will deliver an Australian first GP Guarantee that will help to ensure that when Tasmanians need a GP, they can see a GP.
Premier Jeremy Rockliff said his 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future was all about taking more action right now on issues affecting Tasmanians, particularly health.
“Today, I have announced the most comprehensive package of improvements to Tasmania’s health system in a generation,” Premier Jeremy Rockliff said.
“We are making record investments across all our major hospitals, employing more emergency staff and we’re effectively banning ramping.
“But, the most important part of our 2030 Strong Plan in health is our GP Guarantee.
“Our GPs are at the frontline, helping Tasmanians every day with everything from the regular school colds and flu, bumps, bruises, and scripts.
“They’re also the ones we rely on for the long haul, supporting us every step of the way with mental health and chronic illness.
“But, we know just how hard it can be to get an appointment with your GP when you need one.
“That’s why we’re stepping up, where the Federal Labor Government is letting us down and we’re taking three nation-leading actions to fix this as part of our GP Guarantee.
“First, we will stand up a team of 10 GPs as part of a new GP NOW Rapid Response Team, that will ensure Tasmanians always have a local GP on hand.
“These GPs will be employed by the State Government, and will be deployed to local general practices when and where they’re needed, and quickly.
“So, in a situation where a GP practice closes down on short notice, our GP NOW team will be ready to fill the gap and ensure locals can still see a doctor.
“Second, we will pick up the HECs tab up to $100,000 for 40 new GPs, as part of an incentive to attract doctors to work in Tasmania’s rural and regional areas for five years.
“This is a huge cash bonus that will help to attract more GPs to Tasmania, or give our locally-trained doctors that extra reason to work in their home state.
“Third, we are going to partner with GPs in outer-urban, regional and rural Tasmania to strengthen and sustain their practices, with multi-year funding of up to $250,000 per year.
“These flexible grants can help GPs offer extended hours of service, embed nurse practitioners, attract new doctors, or expand their practice with capital upgrades.
“There’s nothing more important than our health, and ensuring Tasmanians have better access to GPs is a key part of our 2030 Strong Plan.”
Minister for Health Guy Barnett said Tasmania’s GPs were the backbone of the state’s health system.
“Our GPs are everyday heroes who help our kids after a tumble at school, keep our chronic illness in check and make life-saving diagnoses.
“Our GP Guarantee will ensure we have more GPs to provide help when and where Tasmanians need it.
“This will also help to take the pressure off our hospitals and emergency departments, with 40 per cent of ED presentations being from Tasmanians who need to see a GP.
“We are stepping in where the Federal Labor Government has failed GPs and Tasmanians.
“GPs are finding it harder and harder to stay in business, as Medicare has not kept pace. We will continue to lobby the Federal Labor Government to do more and strengthen Medicare for the long term.
“We have our priorities right, and with our 2030 Strong Plan we are committed to making our health system better, because it really is the most important thing we can do for Tasmanians.”