Greens Leader caught covering up


Greens Leader Rosalie Woodruff has been caught out trying to cover up her shabby attempt to politicise the Paul Reynolds case.

Ms Woodruff this morning told ABC Radio:

We didn't make it public now. Yes, it was received in November. And we talked about it in November. But it was the ABC who made it public now, it wasn't up to us. You know, we didn't raise it at this point. It's something we've been talking about --

ABC host: So you were approached by ABC News, and hence, that's how it unfolded?

Woodruff: Hello. Yes, that's exactly right.

We understand this is false.

Ms Woodruff approached the media on Friday to re-prosecute her November RTI in the final week of the election campaign.

She didn’t raise it in Parliamentary Question Time.

She didn’t raise it at COI scrutiny.

She has sought to weaponise it in the final week of an election campaign, with no regard for victim-survivors.

As one victim-survivor told the ABC:

“This isn’t about getting answers for survivors and their families, it is a disgusting stunt that has done nothing but ensure that today the survivors are reliving their trauma.”

And now Ms Woodruff is trying to cover up her role in the stunt.