David O'Byrne in witness protection


It is clear that Shadow Treasurer David O’Byrne is in witness protection over his repeated costings errors and policy bungles this campaign.

Mr O’Byrne hasn’t fronted the media since his bungled land tax policy on 15th April.

Instead, Mr O’Byrne has been hidden away by Labor campaign HQ, and is only allowed to communicate via newspaper drops, so he doesn’t have to answer the media’s questions.

Some of Mr O’Byrne’s failures to date this campaign include:

  • His $500 million error on infrastructure spending responding to PEFO;
  • His land tax policy debacle that Rebecca White couldn’t explain at last night’s debate and which will increase the cost of most new home and land releases;
  • His failure to put even a single one of Labor’s policies in for costing by Treasury;
  • Missing the deadline for submitting Labor’s Fiscal Strategy to Treasury, and failing to comply with the Act when writing it;
  • Costing school lunches at a mere 79 cents per primary school student; and
  • Promising more than $3 billion in new expenditure which is unaffordable, unbelievable and undeliverable.

Mr O’Byrne must front the media today and explain how Labor is going to pay for all their promises and why he refuses to put in even a single policy for Treasury costing.

In particular, Mr O’Byrne must explain how, according to his land tax policy, 150,000 land tax accounts will receive a tax cut, when there are actually only 70,000 active land tax accounts?

It’s the same old Labor – you can’t trust them with your money.